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New Concept Trampoline Park And Sports Game

Since its design, the trampoline park has incorporated safety protection as an important factor. The entire site, whether on the ground or on the walls, is decorated with cushioning pads. Various projects are built according to relevant safety design standards, allowing you to freely and crazily play on the site, and indulge in youth.

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Product Description

Diversification of trampoline park projects

The sticky music in the new concept trampoline park and sports games, including devil’s slides, fancy hugging, wall climbing, aerial shooting, inflatable bouncing balls, spider towers, sponge pools, rock climbing areas, parkour soft wall areas, professional trampoline areas, expansion areas, and more, attract netizens from all walks of life to compete and show off their skills.

On the trampoline, you will have a protagonist aura – flying eaves and walls, high-altitude dunks are all effortless! The feeling of jumping up and down, flying into the sky in a second, will run away all the troubles and frustrations in your work and life!

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Production:2~3 Days Draw Production Drawings

20~40 Days Production


Quality determined by details




Global distribution of trampoline cases


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